The Beginning of my Odyssey

  So, at the point of posting and writing this, the beginning is no longer the beginning, but I felt it was finally time to post something. 

  I started my Social Studies Methods class on January 25th of this year, and this blog is used to reflect on what I am going through and doing for this class. This first post will be about my first four classes and specifically what I did. 

   So, instead of jumping straight into the course overview and syllabus for my first class, we did more of an activity. For the first activity, we individually made nameplates and answered some questions on the nameplate. The questions were: who do you see when you think of your favorite social studies teacher, what were that teacher's traits, and what are some good ways to teach social studies. For my favorite social studies teacher, I said two teachers, my eighth and tenth-grade history teachers, and I also said they were both energetic and opinionated. Some good ways to teach social studies are through videos, projects, and interactive lectures. Then we gathered together in groups and created a PowerPoint, where we put down the characteristics of our favorite social studies teachers' ways to teach social studies. In our group specifically, we also talked about incorporating social studies decorations into the classroom. 

  We went over the course for the second class, but that only needed a little bit of time, so we ended up talking about our introductory assignments. We were expected to introduce ourselves in three ways for our introductory assignments. The first way was through flipgrid videos, but we did that before we started the class. The second introduction was by making a bitmoji classroom, and the final way was your choice. I chose to do a screencastify video because I had never worked with it before and was interested in using it. 

  Over that weekend, I had worked on my bitmoji classroom and my screencastify. The bitmoji classroom was confusing for me because, again, I had never worked with it, but I was able to figure it out, and now that I have, it seems very simple to create. In my bitmoji classroom, there is a whiteboard with links to all of my introductions and a book I choose with the explanation as to why next to it. I also have a beanbag, clock, plant, bookshelf, posters, and a picture of myself with my bitmoji in front of it. For the screencastify, I created a PowerPoint slide with some pictures, and then I recorded a video of myself talking about what was on it. 

 Bitmoji Classroom Picture:
